Thursday, June 17, 2010

Communist Party of America

Communists use Democrats to Smash "Ultra - Right"
Cross posted from KeyWiki Blog

The Republican Party and the "Tea Party Movement" need to understand that their real enemy is not the Democrats, But the people behind the Democrats.

One of the major forces behind the Democrats is the almost forgotten and hugely underestimated Communist Party USA.

The Communist regard the Democrats as little more than a tool, a conduit for their own agenda.

This quote from an October 2007 Young Communist League board report, by YCL leader Erica Smiley illustrates my point;

But even though the ultra-right is in retreat, kicking and screaming and even calling Hillary Clinton’s half public-half private healthcare proposal “socialist”, they still haven’t been defeated.

As Communists, we have to finish the task of isolating the ultra-right and completely removing them from power—using the Democrats to finish the job.
In communist terms, The "ultra-right", is any organized force to the "right" of the now completely leftist Democratic Party. That is "middle America", the entire Republican Party and nowadays, most certainly the Tea Party Movement.

The communists will have no qualms about using the Democrats to destroy their "ultra-right" opponents, just as they will not hesitate to smash the Democrats when the time is appropriate.

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