Thursday, September 16, 2010


This morning, while enjoying my first pot of coffee and waiting for the sun to show itself, I got to thinking about the oxymoron contained in the name of the Democratic Socialists of America (you know, that obscure little anti-American group that counts 82 members of Congress in its membership). So I went to their website.

The following jumped right out at me:

"Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives."


I recall that back when I was a wee bern in grade school one of my dedicated teachers began my indoctrination. Mr. Patton often advised the class that the success of a democracy depended upon, among other things, an educated electorate. As he taught on various topics he relentlessly pounded into our malleable minds the importance of our nation's history -- what made it great and what made it work. His focus has never left me.

Apparently a lot of the DSAs heard the same mantra -- education=success -- and to ensure the success of their agenda they began, long ago, to populate the public education system with educators from their ranks. Ergo, Mr. Patton's formula for the continued success of our nation is, well, history, and it has been replaced with promises of how great things will be for everybody if we radically change the way America does business and redistribute the wealth. That they have succeeded is quite evident and horrifying to those who adhere to the true democratic principles shared by the Founders and Framers and reiterated so often by Mr. Patton.

We recently saw the public benefits of the DSAs statement above when a once poor black woman had the opportunity to spread some of that redistributed wealth around as toured Spain and spent her nights in $2,500 a night hotel suites. Which teaches me that democratic socialism still benefits only "a few" -- only it's a different few than ones they decry on their website.

I thank God that M/M America are increasingly aware of the depredations being visited on our country by the DSAs and taking action to turn this ship around. The results of Tuesday's primaries offer a glimmer of hope for the America we here in the At-Large knew and loved
Ray Clary

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